
Once home to the fearsome Spanish Armada and the equally terrifying Inquisition. Spain is now better known as a top travel destination in Western Europe, with locations like Barcelona being popular year-round. In addition to rooftop parties and delicious to pause Spain has quite a few dog breeds unique to the region. Some of which can trace their heritage more than 5,000 years. The breeds in ancient Egypt, here we have listed "Top 10 Most Popular and Unique Spanish Dog Breeds".


Spanish Alano Dog :

This Spanish dog breed has a long and storied history. their name comes from the Iranian tribe of Alano who made their way to Spain sometime around the fifth century AD. The breeds ancestors likely worked with the Alano as livestock Guardian dogs and pursuit dog. However after more than a millennia and a handful more centuries. The Alano breed began to make a name for itself in bullfighting and the occasional boar hunt though their bullfighting days are pretty much over, and the Alano breed is not as widely popular as it once was it is still an admirable brief (1). 





Spanish Pointer Dog :

The Spanish Pointer is often referred to as the Burgos pointer or the pergolas pointer. This breed finds its origins in Castile Spain, specifically the Castilian plateau. Where it would spread so hunting small game it is distinctive for its sturdy stature. But this is contrasted to extremely loose and floppy ears, however this breed is less centered around its exact style and more for its ability. Like many other breeds with a background in hunting, the Burgos pointer is intelligent and up for quickly learning tasks (2). 





Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz Dog :

This one's name gives it away, originally bred to hunt rats and mice in the winery regions of Andalusia Spain. Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz breed now tends to be prized for its athletic ability and lively temperament. A glance might remind you of the Jack Russell Terrier with some going so far as to rename this dog. The Spanish Jack Russell, though now recognized as an indigenous Spanish breed Andalusian rat terrier likely comes to Spain's region of drehs from the British Isle. It became popular for its live body and ability to catch rats from between barrels of wine protecting the quality of this ever popular commodity (3). 





Andalusian Hound Dog :

As the name suggests this breed comes from Andalusia. The area in the south of the Iberian Peninsula of Spain, for a reference Seville is down there down in this area. There are caves where you can find paintings that bear a striking resemblance to this Andalusian Hound breed. However despite the mystic allure this lends the breed genetic test point to this dog breed not being as old as originally thought. There are actually quite a few varieties of this dog, and they come in small medium and large sizes. But a trait that is common across the board is their amazing senses their sight hearing and smell are all phenomenal (4). 





Catalan Sheepdog Dog :

Covered in shaggy fur from tail to nose. The Catalan Sheepdog is yet another easily recognizable breed on this list. It comes from Catalonia an autonomous community in the northeast region of Spain. They are a breed of the Catalan Pyrenean dog but, they specialized in surprise working as a sheepdog. From far away they might look like one massive beautiful and colored fur. But upon closer inspection you might realize that they are a mess of several different colored hairs (5). 




Also Read This :  All Dog Breeds - Names and Pictures | Complete List of Dog Profiles 


Galgos Espanol Dog :

The first thing you might notice is the familiar greyhound body, slender and graceful. However its origins are a little more complicated than that, they trace their origins back to Asian hounds brought to Spain by the Moors. Then the first crossbreeding began with local hunting dog, eventually the Galgos Espanol breed was further honed toward perfection by a careful breeding with Greyhound bloodlines, until they ended up with a dog fit for kings literally. The Spanish Greyhound was a favorite companion of Spanish kings for their skill in hunting (6). 





Spanish Water Dog :

Another Spanish breed with an extremely distinctive look is the Spanish Water Dog. Covered in thick curled fur from birth it is a match for those with top-notch grooming skills or so you might think. Like several other Spanish breeds this dog has a history of work as a sheepdog and a guard dog. However it also did some side jobs as a gun dog, finding and retrieving game for hunters. Especially from water thus its name it has a shorter heritage of only a couple hundred years and its origins are a little vague. However it is thought to have made its way to Spain via turkey (7). 





Spanish Mastiff Dog :

With droopy skin and ears and eyes that are kind and inquisitive. The Spanish Mastiff is immediately recognizable ,it is massive and rightly so as it was originally bred to protect livestock from large predators such as wool. They were highly popular in the Middle Ages when such dangers were more of a threat to Shepherds or cowherds livelihood. Nowadays they are just as likely to guard a couch as they are to guard a flock of sheep (8). 





Ibizan Hound Dog :

There is something almost feline or maybe even deer like about this sleek breed. It's long legs it's erect triangular ears and it's narrow snout all ended an era of intense alert. Which makes sense considering it was originally raised to hunt rabbits and other small animals. Barely after them at astonishing speeds of nearly 40 miles per hour. This Ibizan Hound can trace its origins further back than most people can around 5,000 years to ancient Egypt that is. However it didn't make its way over to Spain until around the 8th century AD where it arrived at the IV's an island from which it takes its modern name (9). 





Presa Canario Dog :

Despite its name this dog bears no resemblance to a petite canary bird. Instead its name comes from its place of origin, the Canary Islands specifically Presa Canario comes from the Tenerife and Grande canary islands. Where it was bred for both guarding and herding cattle they came about through breeding programs between Mastiff breeds, and local cattle dogs in the canary islands. The result was a large imposing dog that held locals protect and manage their livestock. In addition to its robust size one of its defining traits is that it has a lot of skin it is covered by loose skin that often collects in wrinkles giving it a lazy floppy sort of look (10). 




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