
We've all been there before one moment you're walking down the street and the mass of fur appears in the corner of your vision. Your heart jumps for a moment as instinct takes over but when you turn your head it's not a bear sneaking up on you. Instead it's a friendly canine tongue lolling about and loving life. Your moment of fear is replaced with a sudden rush of oh my god it's so adorable. Here we have listed "Top 10 Dog Breeds That Look Like Bears".


Caucasian Shepherd Dog :

The Caucasian Shepherd dog hails from the carcass mountains. Where it was bred for work as a well shepherd dog, it looks like a pattern that the dogs which most resemble bears were also meant to defend livestock from these very creatures. Like most shepherding dogs the Caucasian Shepherd dog is extremely loyal and intelligent. Because of their limited exposure outside of the field of herding. They still maintain a very strong territorial tendency and our protective of land they deemed theirs (1). 





Tibetan Mastiff Dog :

On the other side of the size spectrum, we have the Tibetan Mastiff. This massive dog was and still is used by Tibetans, to protect flocks of sheep from predators including tigers and bears. One look at it and you can see it's suited to the job, these dogs are utterly huge and their thick coats only add to the impression of size and might. Since they were raised and bred for years to protect flocks. They have a somewhat nocturnal tendency that is they, enjoy napping and resting throughout the day but can become more active at night (2). 





Keeshond Dog :

The Keeshond is similar to that of a Pomeranian, there are medium-sized Spitz dog with a large fluffy coat. Because of mainly the coat the Keeshond resembles a bear. Some people think the Keeshond looks like a cross between a bear and a fox. Others think they look more like a fox than a bear, although this may be a legitimate debate we are siding with bears (3). 





Newfoundland Dog :

This dog is for those who want to breed that has the body of a bear. But a heart of pure honey they are known for being incredibly sweet and are especially good around children. Just think of how kind Nana was in Peter Pan. They (Newfoundland) are calm and considerate around adults and children alike making them great therapy dogs. And much like a grizzly bear Newfoundland dogs are excellent swimmers (4). 





Samoyed Dog :

This one was hard to place on one hand as puppies they have rounder features. That are more reminiscent of a bear but their code is yet to come into its full fluffy glory. On the other hand adults have somewhat sharper features but appear bulkier and therefore more bear like. Because of their thick coats in any case there is a striking resemblance between a Samoyed puppy and a polar bear cub. The white fur the dark eyes and black nose all come together to make them almost indistinguishable (5). 




Also Read This :  All Dog Breeds - Names and Pictures | Complete List of Dog Profiles 


Eurasier Dog :

With the Eurasier also called the Eurasian dog. There is a bit of variation in their appearance better coats can range in color from darker to warmer colors. And their final coat length varies a bit from dog to dog, but as puppies they tend to be surrounded by some more fluff. While adults might have different full lengths around the neck. The rest shortens out as they develop let's say the adults are still bear light but from the neck up (6). 





Bouvier Des Flandres Dog :

Our first puppy bear dog has a name that can leave you a little tongue-tied. Though these dogs eventually grow up to be compact and rugged. They start out with some fluffier proportions, however the occasional adult might sport a coat that makes it reminiscent of a bear as well. While they (Bouvier Des Flandres) used to be bred for farm work. Nowadays they are more likely to service police dogs or personal companions, the rational mindset makes them perfect for discerning work (7). 





Leonberger Dog :

Leonberger is a massive German dog breed weighing up to 170 pounds. They'll usually have a brown coat with a black mask, don't they really look like a small brown bear. Leonberger are some of the fluffiest Brown dogs in the dog dome which makes sense why they're on this list. But aside from looking like a bear the Leonberger is a fantastic companion dog (8). 





Pomeranian Dog :

Didn't see that one coming did you, sure they might be tinier than the tiniest of bear cups. But Pomeranian still resemble a bear just one that has been scaled down several sizes. They're thick and wild hair can give them a bulky even lumbering appearance. Regardless of the fact that the dog underneath is barely more than a couple of pounds. But unlike bears I don't think a palm has ever once intimidated anyone. They're generally friendly and well they're about the size of a football (9). 





Chow Chow Dog :

This is perhaps the bear dog, even though in their native country of China they're also called song sukwong. Which translates to puffy lion dog, whether it resembles a lion or a bear there is no dispute that this is one chunky dog. They're thick and coarse coats surround them and layer upon layer of fluff. Though they (Chow Chow) could be a bit stubborn they are known for being overall well behaved dogs. That develop deep bonds with their owners and they are very protective of their families as well (10). 




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