"Lakeland Terrier Dog - Fearless, Lovable, and Playful Companion, Ready for Adventures and Affectionate Moments."

Lakeland Terrier Dog Breed Information:

Lakeland Terriers were originally bred to hunt the foxes that preyed on sheep during the lambing season in Northern England’s Lake District. Today’s Lakies, as these lively, feisty little dogs are nicknamed, are affectionate, friendly, and self-confident.


Lakeland Terrier Dog Group: Terrier Dogs.

Lakeland Terrier Height: 13 to 14 inches tall at the shoulder.

Lakeland Terrier Weight: 15 to 17 pounds.

Lakeland Terrier Life Span: 12 to 15 years.


More About This Dog Breed:

Lakeland Terriers are excitable dogs and have a lot of energy. Lakeland Terriers are prone to chasing other animals or anything else that might interest them. Keep them on a leash when you're in unfenced areas. Lakeland Terriers can be stubborn and difficult to housetrain. Crate training is recommended. Barking sometimes is a problem with Lakeland Terriers.


Lakeland Terrier History:

The Lakeland Terrier was born in the county of Cumberland in England's beautiful but treacherously rugged Lake District near the Scottish border. The Lake District is known for its beautiful hills and mountains. Beatrix Potter had a farm here, where she, like many of the farmers in this region, raised a rare hardy breed of sheep called Herdwicks. The terrain is harsh and rugged, and sheep farms dotted the scenic countryside. A large, aggressive type of fox called a Westmoreland fox preys on the sheep, especially during the lambing season, which happens to coincide with the time that the foxes are weaning their cubs. The Lakeland's job was to "go to ground" when the fox ran into its burrow and kill it.


Lakeland Terrier Size:

The compact and athletic Lakeland Terrier is typically 13 1/2 to 14 1/2 inches tall, and weighs 15 to 17 pounds.


Lakeland Terrier Personality:

The typical Lakeland is bold and friendly. He's described as having a "cock of the walk" attitude, but he's neither overly aggressive or argumentative.  Temperament is affected by a number of factors, including heredity, training, and socialization. Like every dog, Lakelands need early socialization exposure to many different people, sights, sounds, and experiences when they're young.


Also Read This :  All Dog Breeds - Names and Pictures | Complete List of Dog Profiles  

Lakeland Terrier Health:

Lakeland Terriers are a hardy breed and don't suffer from any known hereditary health problems. To help ensure that you get a healthy Lakeland puppy, choose a good breeder.


Lakeland Terrier Care:

The Lakeland should live in the home with his people, not outdoors. Because of his small size, the Lakeland Terrier is good for apartment life so long as you train him not to bark at every noise he hears. Keep the Lakie on leash when you walk him. Beyond housetraining, crate training is a kind way to ensure that your Lakeland doesn't get into things he shouldn't. Like every dog, Lakies can be destructive as puppies.


Lakeland Terrier Feeding:

Recommended daily amount: 1 cup of a high-quality dog food daily, divided into two meals.


Lakeland Terrier Coat Color And Grooming:

Lakeland Terrier come in many colors, including blue, black, liver (a deep reddish-brown), red, and wheaten (pale yellow or fawn). Some have a tan saddle that covers the back of the neck, back, sides, and up the tail, making them blue and tan, black and tan, or liver and tan.  Spend 15 to 30 minutes a week to brush and comb your Lakie. Other grooming needs include nail care and dental hygiene. Trim your Lakeland's nails once or twice a month.


Lakeland Terrier with Children And Other Pets:

Lakeland Terrier love kids and can match their energy levels all day long, but certain rules apply to child-dog interactions. Always teach children how to approach and touch dogs. Lakelands can get along well with other pets, especially if they're introduced to them in puppyhood.

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