"Playful Portuguese Podengo Pequeno Dog bounding with joy in a grassy field."

Portuguese Podengo Pequeno Dog Breed Information:

The Portuguese Podengo Pequeno is a purebred dog from Portugal and is the smallest of the three Portuguese Podengo size classes that are not interbred. Alert, lively, and playful, these pooches are a compact-but-charming bunch to be around. Portuguese Podengo Pequenos go by several other names, such as Podengo Portuguese, Portuguese Warren Hound, and the Portuguese Rabbit Dog.


Portuguese Podengo Pequeno Dog Breed Group: Hound Dogs.

Portuguese Podengo Pequeno Height: 8 to 12 inches.

Portuguese Podengo Pequeno Weight: 9 to 13 pounds.

Portuguese Podengo Pequeno Life Span: 12 to 15 years.


More About This Dog Breed:

Portuguese Podengo Pequenos will need one good hour of walking per day with a few good, active play sessions and shorter walks mixed in if possible. These pups are highly intelligent and willing to please, which makes them fairly easy to train. Portuguese Podengo Pequeno coats are often light, medium, or dark yellow or fawn. Some will be black or brown with some possible markings among their coat.


Portuguese Podengo Pequeno History:

The Portuguese Podengo Pequenos are one of three size classes of the Portuguese Podengo breeds, but they all hail from the south border in the country of Portugal. All three are considered separate breeds from each other. The lineage of the Portuguese Podengo can be traced back all the way to the ancient Romans and Phoenicians, almost as far back as 600 B.C.


Portuguese Podengo Pequeno Size:

The Portuguese Podengo is classified into three classes based on their size: large, medium and small. Most weigh in at nine to 13 pounds and range in height from eight to twelve inches at the shoulder. That said, many can be slightly smaller or larger


Portuguese Podengo Pequeno Personality:

The Portuguese Podengo Pequeno are a lively bunch who love to please their pet parents. They are highly active and don’t like to lay on the couch for too long. They are adept and love playing games especially outside in a yard or park. These pups are highly intelligent and willing to please, which makes them fairly easy to train. They are not overly aggressive, but they are not shy, either. If they feel threatened by a stranger, they will surely bark.


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Portuguese Podengo Pequeno Health:

The Portuguese Podengo Pequeno dog breed is predisposed to the same conditions as most in the Portuguese Podengo breed classes, regardless of size. Most are generally healthy with minimal health issues: 

Eye disorders. 

Patellar luxation. 

Hip dysplasia.


Portuguese Podengo Pequeno Care:

As with all dog breeds, you should keep up with your Portuguese Podengo Pequeno's regular veterinary checkups to detect any health concerns early. Check their ears and eyes for debris and pests daily and clean them as recommended by your vet. Trim your dog's nails before they get too long usually once or twice per month. Your main concern when it comes to your Portuguese Podengo Pequeno's care will be maintaining their oral health.


Portuguese Podengo Pequeno Feeding:

An ideal Portuguese Podengo Pequeno diet should be formulated for a small breed with high energy. If you overfeed them with no exercise, these pups will likely gain weight, so you should stick to a regular feeding schedule and not leave food out during the day. Limit their number of treats, as well.


Portuguese Podengo Pequeno Coat Color And Grooming:

Portuguese Podengo Pequeno coats are often light, medium, or dark yellow or fawn. Some will be black or brown with some possible markings among their coat. Because they tend to have shorter coats, Portuguese Podengo Pequenos aren't particularly fond of extreme weather. They do tend to prefer sunny weather over cold climates.


Portuguese Podengo Pequeno with Children And Other Pets:

Because the Portuguese Podengo Pequeno is a small dog, they can easily be injured by overly excited children. Portuguese Podengo Pequenos are able to get along with adults and children of all ages. When it comes to other pets, the Portuguese Podengo Pequeno can get along with other animals if they are introduced slowly and calmly, and early socialization will help this go smoothly. It’s best if they get used to other pets early.

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