
Lazy dogs are opossum because honestly, you may not have the energy to keep up with one of those hyper ones that bounce off the walls. Whenever you come home at the end of an exhausting day the last thing you want is a canine kid yapping at you and jumping on you to take them out. 

No it's much better to have one that you can snuggle up with on the couch and watch television or read a book and you love having a dog that likes to sleep as much as you do. If you are not a fan of exercise then a lazy dog may be exactly what you need. Here we have listed "Top 10 Laziest Dog Breeds" made just for you.


Pekingese Dog :

Bred to live in the palaces of ancient China the Pekingese will gladly reign over your house from your couch. Their life's purpose is to provide amusement and companionship and while, these petite pooches are serene most of the time you can let them try their paw at canine sports. As long as you let them do it at their own pace (1). 





French Bulldog :

The affectionate French Bulldog is one of the most popular dog breeds among apartment dwellers. Aside from their compact size, these bat-eared dogs do not need a lot of outdoor exercise. Although they enjoy participating in canine sports, their flat faces mean that they shouldn't be allowed to exert themselves especially in hot weather (2). 





Shih Tzu Dog :

Though their name means lion dog you won't see the Shih Tzu hunting for prey, in fact you'll most likely find these little charmers lounging on couches around the world. Bred to warm the laughs of ancient Chinese royalty this popular breed doesn't need much outdoor activity, and excels at being a cute house companion (3). 





Irish Wolfhound Dog :

The tallest of all dog breeds is also one of the laziest, once employed in big-game hunting Irish Wolfhounds now make the calmest and most agreeable canine companions. As adults these gentle giants can become couch potatoes if allowed to, a regular exercise will keep them in the pink (4). 





Great Dane Dog :

Another giant pooch the Great Dane is calm cool and lazy. They don't need much exercise and would prefer dozing to dancing and a catnap rather than chasing the cat. This big fur buddy is a mellow fellow, so if you want a couch potato here you go (5). 




Also Read This :  All Dog Breeds - Names and Pictures | Complete List of Dog Profiles 


Chow Chow Dog :

The Chinese Chow Chow is a big canine companion that loves to snooze, seriously loves it. These fur, fluffy fur balls can sleep more than 20 hours a day if you let them. They do love to snuggle too so go ahead and curl up with your pooch and enjoy some together time (6). 




Pug Dog :

Being a lap dog is tough, the poor little Pug has no choice but to lay in your lap on your head or any place else they can find. They do like to play sometimes, but only when they feel like it which is only once in a while unless you can entice them with food (7). 





Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dog :

Even though most spaniels are very energetic. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel likes to be lazy maybe, it is because they have pug genes. Somewhere in their background or maybe it is because they have a royal name. That gives them the idea that they should be waited on either way this is a lazy Booch (8). 





Basset Hound Dog :

Let's face it this possum pop even looks lazy with their droopy ears, eyes, and jowls. Their short legs don't look like they're going anywhere fast actually. When Basset Hound are not on the scent trail you will find them sleeping just about anywhere you can think up and some that you can't (9). 





English Bulldog :

This muscular pooch may look furious but they are really just about the laziest pooch you will find. English Bulldog are truly gentle and cuddly and most of the time would rather lay on the floor or anywhere else. They can flop than do anything else except to eat they do like to eat too (10). 



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